Oracle e-Business Suite - Templates for AWS

One of the most requested items on our backlog was templates for Oracle e-Business Suite on AWS. This is a great choice because, for the majority of use cases, e-Business suite is the same across customers.

In todays blog post you’ll find out how to use our templates to clone your Oracle e-Business Suite to AWS. Our templates and AMIs are specifically designed to house e-Business Suite so you’ll save lots of time in developing your own. This template has been tested for 12.2 … we’ll retest and keep you posted on 12.1.

Enjoy - and let us know what you think in the comments or on our Linkedin Page

Step 1: Subscribe to the cloudbldr e-Business suite AMI:

Our AMI has been specifically developed to have the correct setup for running e-Business Suite. Specifically we have:

  • Disabled IPv6, Firewall and SELinnux

  • Installed EBS validation RPM to pull in pre-requisite libraries

Log into your AWS account and navigate to subscribe to the AMI:

You’ll need to make a note of the AMI ID for the AMI for your target region

Step 2: Download the the CloudFormation template

We’ve provided the CloudFormation template from our public GitHub repo. We’ll be making this available from the AWS marketplace CloudFormation Templates section soon, but GIT will always be the most up to date version and we can provide forks for different architectures from GIT as well as updating the templates based on your feedback.

Step 3: Fill out appropriate parameters including the AMI ID noted down in Step 1

When you run the CloudFormation you’ll need to complete some parameters.

Some Notes for parameters:

  1. The length of the domainName plus the hostnamePattern should not exceed 28 characters Oracle sets a limit of 30 characters and 2 characters are used to differentiate the hostnames

  2. The appStorage and dbStorage parameters define the sizes of the required filesystems

  3. The domainName should be a sub-domain of a domain you can make changes to

Step 4: Login to the hosts.

The templates configures access via AWS systems Manager Session Manager. Navigate to the EC2 console select the instance and click the “Connect” button

This is what you should see next:

If you see a warning then the Status checks have not yet completed wait a few minutes then refresh. You should then be able to hit the connect button.

Step 5: Copy in zip files for the application server to the a1 node and the Database to the d1 node

Just as you would for creating an on-premise clone.

On DB tier:

sudo su -
su - oracle
cd /oracle/db 

On APP tier:

sudo su -
su - oracle
cd /oracle/app 

Step 6 :Register the domainName subdomain with the parent domain DNS

Select the Public Domain:

Copy the Name Servers listed bottom right and create an DNS record in the parent domain. In our case that would be “”, you should use your own domain.

Step 6: Follow your standard postclone procedures

In this example we’ve used port pool 1 and a webentry_point of hostnamePattern.domainName (these were supplied as parameters in step 3). You should follow any in-house post clone procedures that are needed for your environment. If you have any specific challenges let us know in the contact form

Step 7: Access the Application

Congratulations! You’re there!. The URL for access should be:


Step 8: Give us feedback!

The cloudbldr community is the most powerful tool we have to simplify and lower the cost of moving Oracle to AWS. If these steps worked for you, or if you struggled with something, please let us know. We’ll always listen and your requests will be added into our backlog for the future. The more requests we have for a specific feature the higher the priority for build.


Managing Oracle backups on AWS